BE US: 2 Person Human Design Connection Reading


Do you want to understand the connection and conflicts between you and your partner? Would you like to communicate better with your child, sibling, or parent? Connect with your friend on a deeper level?

Human Design shows you where and how to access your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool to live as your true self. A reading will teach you how to use this logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. You’ll learn exactly how you are unique as a person and be guided to live a life that is in sync with who you are body, mind, biz, + soul.

While conditioning is a natural part of the human existence, it is helpful to know what is of our own essence and what belongs to others. When you book a reading for two charts, you will learn the basics of each chart, as well as the dynamics of the relationship on a soul level.

During our session we will outline each individual’s chart, and then the composite chart between the two of you. Discover what attracts the two of you to one another, how you can work together successfully, and your karmic purpose. Your two-hour Zoom session includes a curated pdf of each personal design reading with notes emailed to you after so you can start living your design.

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