Your 16 Question Checklist to Self-Sovereignty

Self-Sovereignty is buzzy phrase that’s been circulating the wellness world lately. The energy of self-sovereignty exists in those who have the ability to choose the direction of your life while being the exclusive authority over one’s own body and mind effortlessly. Other synonyms you might see are are personal freedom, self determination, and liberty which seems like an easy recipe for a happy life. So how do we know if we are living in our self-sovereign energy? Use the checklist below to determine how close you are to your personal freedom. Answer if these statements are true always, mostly, sometimes, or not at all, truthfully.

  1. My day is spent doing things that I love.

  2. I have all that I need to live the life that my heart desires (money, resources etc).

  3. I am free from worry.

  4. My thoughts are never fearful and anxiety free.

  5. I have the perfect job or business for me.

  6. I have balance in work and play and take all the time off I need.

  7. I am 100% satisfied and happy in my most intimate relationships.

  8. I am confident and believe in my ability to achieve anything I dream of.

  9. My age, income, and education are irrelevant to my success.

  10. I am never too busy for self-care (exercise, meditation, connection with nature or a dear friend).

  11. I sleep peacefully and wake up well rested.

  12. When I wake up I always look forward to the day

  13. I feel good about the food I eat and never use food to feel better

  14. I never procrastinate.

  15. Even when bad things happen I have the ability to see the gift the downs of life have given me.

  16. I recognize that I create my own reality.

So what does it mean if you answered “no,” “sometimes,” “mostly,” “not always,” or “I wish” to any of these questions? It means you are capable of being more abundant, happy and in flow with life if you connect with and work through your limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are the thoughts or a state of mind that you think are the absolute truth. They stop you from doing certain things. Thoughts like: “I don't have enough time.” “I don't have enough money.” “I don’t know enough." “It’s too late for me.”

These beliefs don't always have to be about yourself, either. They could be about how the world works, ideas, and how you interact with people like: “The economy is bad.” “No one ever helps me.” “The market is too saturated to have room for me.” “The dating scene in LA is terrible.” “They would never be attracted to a person like me.”

It’s those thoughts that keep us from expressing our truth and going after our dreams. They manifest as choosing not to go to college for fear we are not smart. They tell us we are too old, fat or not enough to pursue the relationship of our dreams. They keep us from pursuing our passions for fear of how it may be viewed by others. They keep us from investing in ourselves and seeing how worthy we are to receive. They also disconnect us to our heart’s desires and create a narrative of success determined by those that raised us, not what we were born to do.

Because that is where most of these toxic belief systems come from. Most are a result of “conditioning” defined as ideologies we developed as children, the age when we are highly influenced by what we are told. Our brains are not developed enough to question anything so we believe everything to be true. But to “decondition” or overcome this programming we have to get to the root of the belief which is the emotion behind what we experienced. So how do we do that in order to live a life with complete authority over mind, body and soul? We get to the root of what an emotion is—energy in motion.

The healing modalities to do just that are the foundation of abundantly, be. To learn more watch my latest healthy chat on Self-Sovereignty. And of course your invitation is still waiting for you to join me at the (BE)treat.


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